Author Archives: Dr. Henry Ward

How Does Your Drinking Water Effect Your Dental Health?

We all know that water is important to your overall health. It is important to keep hydrated so that your body can work properly, and get rid of wastes etc. There is another benefit to drinking clean water–dental hygiene. There have been many studies about the effect of fluoride on dental health. Some studies say… Read More…

Silver vs Composite Fillings

Silver fillings are actually made up of a silver amalgam with silver-tin alloy, copper and mercury. Silver fillings have been being used for over 100 years. There have been many studies on the mercury in these silver fillings. It is true that mercury is released when chewing and grinding, but it has been found that… Read More…

How Does the Weather Affect Tooth Sensitivity?

Many people suffer from tooth sensitivity. In fact, 50% of the population have sensitive teeth. If you have sensitive teeth, you know that eating ice cream or drinking iced tea can be shocking. But, cold weather can also provide that same discomfort. There are reasons for tooth sensitivity, and it can be eliminated by finding… Read More…

Manual Vs. Electric Toothbrush–Who Will Win?

The toothbrush as we know it today was invented in 1938 but there were many early forms of the toothbrush since 3000 BC. But, there have been some developments in the manual toothbrush, and so we now also have the electric toothbrush. Well, many people don’t fully understand the pros and cons of the manual… Read More…

How Can Having Whiter Teeth Help You?

We’ve all heard that someone with whiter teeth makes a good first impression right? Well, there’s more to it than just a good impression. Let’s take a closer look at what people think about someone with a white smile. There is a younger crowd going to the dentist nowadays for dental procedures, but why is… Read More…

Tips for Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth

There are many different techniques for brushing and flossing. But, most people don’t know that there is a right and a wrong way to brush and floss your teeth. Today I want to go over the dos and don’ts of brushing and flossing. Brushing Most of you already know that you need to brush your… Read More…

Why Brushing your Teeth is so Important for Overall Health

There are many things that happen in your body if you don’t practice good oral hygiene. I want to go over these with you in order of least severe to most severe. The first thing that happens to someone who does not brush their teeth is halitosis, i.e. bad breath. Food particles stuck in between… Read More…

Why Remove Your Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are a problem for many people. They tend to impact the other molars around it or crowd your teeth because there is not enough room. Most people get their wisdom teeth removed as a precautionary measure to prevent complications later. There are several theories on wisdom teeth that have affected the way that… Read More…